Campari is an iconic Italian liqueur renowned for its vibrant red hue and distinctive bitter flavor. Created in 1860 by Gaspare Campari in Novara, Italy, the recipe remains a closely guarded secret to this day. It is made from a proprietary blend of herbs, spices, fruit peels, and barks, infused into a neutral spirit base.
Campari’s unique taste profile is characterized by its bitter and herbal notes, balanced by underlying sweetness and citrusy aromas. The infusion of ingredients such as chinotto, cascarilla, bitter orange peel, and rhubarb contributes to its complex flavor profile. Typically enjoyed as an aperitif, Campari is often served neat, on the rocks, or mixed with soda water, which highlights its refreshing and slightly bitter qualities.
One of its most famous cocktails is the “Negroni,” a classic combination of equal parts Campari, gin, and sweet vermouth, served over ice with an orange twist. Campari’s versatility extends beyond cocktails, as it is also used as a key ingredient in various mixed drinks and culinary recipes. Its bold color and distinct taste make it a staple in bars worldwide and a beloved component in classic and contemporary cocktails, embodying the essence of Italian aperitivo culture.
Campari is an iconic Italian liqueur renowned for its vibrant red hue and distinctive bitter flavor. Created in 1860 by Gaspare Campari in Novara, Italy, the recipe remains a closely guarded secret to this day. It is made from a proprietary blend of herbs, spices, fruit peels, and barks, infused into a neutral spirit base.
Campari’s unique taste profile is characterized by its bitter and herbal notes, balanced by underlying sweetness and citrusy aromas. The infusion of ingredients such as chinotto, cascarilla, bitter orange peel, and rhubarb contributes to its complex flavor profile. Typically enjoyed as an aperitif, Campari is often served neat, on the rocks, or mixed with soda water, which highlights its refreshing and slightly bitter qualities.
One of its most famous cocktails is the “Negroni,” a classic combination of equal parts Campari, gin, and sweet vermouth, served over ice with an orange twist. Campari’s versatility extends beyond cocktails, as it is also used as a key ingredient in various mixed drinks and culinary recipes. Its bold color and distinct taste make it a staple in bars worldwide and a beloved component in classic and contemporary cocktails, embodying the essence of Italian aperitivo culture.
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