Pampero Anejo Especial
Pampero Anejo Especial is another expression of Venezuelan rum from the Pampero brand. It is aged for a period, which allows it to develop more character than a white rum. The flavor often includes notes of caramel, vanilla, and mild spices. It is often used in cocktails and provides a balance between the qualities of white and aged rums.

Pampero Anejo Especial

- Rum & Cachaca - -



Product omschrijving

Pampero Anejo Especial is another expression of Venezuelan rum from the Pampero brand. It is aged for a period, which allows it to develop more character than a white rum. The flavor often includes notes of caramel, vanilla, and mild spices. It is often used in cocktails and provides a balance between the qualities of white and aged rums.

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